Lawfulness and fairness

We process personal data in accordance with the agreements signed with customers, suppliers, partners and employees and applicable laws in the countries in which we operate. 

Purpose Limitation

We only use and store the personal data that is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. We process personal data that is required to perform the work tasks. 

Transparency and accuracy

We will ensure that the personal data is correct, and will regularly update, rectify or erase personal data when required. We will openly report on what personal data we are processing.

Storage limitation and the right to be forgotten

We will not store personal data for longer than is needed for the purpose in question.

Integrity and confidentiality

We process personal data securely, to prevent it from being amended or accessed by unauthorized persons within or outside Infrateq Group.

What personal data do we collect, when do we collect it and why?

We collect data to be able to provide products and services. We collect personal data from people who work for companies to which we have a contractual obligation – contacting people enable us to do our job for your company.  We also collect and store data for accounting reasons; we need to be able to provide documentation to local authorities.

We collect data in order to be able to contact you with information regarding our products and services as well as events and other news related to Infrateq Group.

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